Catching Drills For Youth Players

Baseball is the most popular sport in the country, and it’s no surprise why. From the sound of a ball being hit off a bat to the roar of an enthusiastic crowd, there’s nothing quite like playing or watching America’s favorite pastime. One of the most important skills that any aspiring baseball player can develop is catching. Catching drills for youth players are essential for mastering this skill and ensuring success on and off the field.

Catching is one of the most difficult yet important positions on a baseball team. Not only does it require an individual to be alert and agile, but also to have strong coordination, hand-eye coordination, arm strength and agility. As such, developing catching drills for younger players is vital in order to ensure they have all the necessary skills needed to become successful catchers.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best catching drills for youth players that will help them take their game to the next level. We will look at specific drills that focus on different aspects of catching such as hand-eye coordination, agility, quickness and accuracy. With these exercises in hand, young players will be able to master their catching skills and get ready for game day!

Overview Of Catching Drills

“Practice makes perfect,” they say, and when it comes to youth players, that couldn’t be more true. Drills are essential for any sport, especially catching which is a foundational skill for success in baseball. Any coach or parent of a youth player should be familiar with the overview of catching drills and how to properly use them.

Catching drills provide an opportunity for players to learn and practice their skills in a controlled setting. These drills can range from basic techniques such as stance and glove positioning to more advanced techniques like receiving throws from the outfield and blocking pitches in the dirt. Each drill has its own purpose and should be used accordingly. It’s important that coaches communicate expectations clearly so that players understand what they are trying to achieve.

When teaching these drills, coaches should also ensure they are fun and engaging for the players. This will help create an environment where kids feel comfortable learning new skills while still pushing themselves to become better players. With proper instruction, repetition, and practice, these drills can equip young players with the necessary tools to excel at catching on the field.

Basic Catching Drills

Catching drills are an essential part of youth baseball, as they help players develop the skills they need to be successful in the field. This section will focus on basic catching drills that young players can use to hone their technique and increase their confidence behind the plate.

To start, here’s a 4-item list of basic catching drills:

  1. Two Handed Catch Drill – Players practice catching by using two hands instead of just one.
  2. Pop Up Drill – Players practice over the shoulder catches with a partner throwing pop-ups from short distances.
  3. Block & Tag Drill – Players practice blocking balls in the dirt and tagging runners out at home plate.
  4. Seated Catch Drill – Players sit in a chair or on the ground and practice scooping up low throws from a partner or coach.

These drills should help young players gain experience with different aspects of catching, such as hand-eye coordination, footwork, and quick reactions. Additionally, these drills can be modified to increase difficulty as players become more proficient with them and thus allow for more growth opportunities in the future. With increased skill comes increased confidence, which is something every player needs while playing catcher!

Now that we’ve covered the basics of catching drills, let’s move on to stance & footwork drills – important techniques for any catcher!

Stance & Footwork Drills

Catching drills for youth players can be an intimidating concept, like a caterpillar emerging from its cocoon to take on the world of baseball. But with the right footwork and stance, these young players can become all-star catchers. Step three of this process is all about mastering stance and footwork drills!

Before anything else, it’s important to ensure that the catcher has a good stance. This means keeping their feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees while keeping their back straight. If they have a wide base when they’re in their catcher’s crouch, they’ll be able to better absorb any shock when the ball comes to them.

Once they have a proper stance, then it’s time to focus on footwork drills. It’s essential to practice quick feet movements and arm movements depending on where the ball is going. A great drill is doing “Figure 8s” around two cones or chairs set up approximately twenty feet apart – this will help kids develop agility as well as accuracy in throwing and catching. With enough practice, their skills should improve with each repetition!

Ready to move onto blocking drills? Let’s go!

Blocking Drills

Coincidentally, it’s time to move on to blocking drills for youth players. These types of drills are important because they help young players learn the basics of blocking and defending. Plus, they’re fun and engaging! Here’s a list of four drills that are great for teaching blocking:

  1. The Mirror Drill: This drill can be done with two players facing each other while maintaining a correct defensive stance. The two players then go back and forth mirroring each other’s movements.

  2. The Tackle Drill: Players pair up and practice proper tackling technique, including wrapping up their opponents when attempting to take them down.

  3. The Stop & Go Drill: This drill emphasizes staying low in order to protect against blocks from bigger opponents. To do this drill, one player starts in a defensive stance while the other player runs towards them in an attempt to block them out of the way; the defender must then stop, get set again and then move out of the way of their opponent without using their hands or being pushed off balance.

  4. The Block & Release Drill: Two players line up shoulder-to-shoulder with one player acting as the blocker and the other as the releaser. The releaser runs around the blocker who must stay low and maintain their position until they release him or her by pushing off with both arms at once; this motion teaches youth players how to properly block an opponent without using illegal techniques such as holding or pushing with just one arm.

These blocking drills will help young athletes learn fundamental techniques for defending against opponents and keeping themselves safe during playtime activities! Now let’s move on to throwing drills which teach young players how to accurately throw a ball into various targets on a field or court.

Throwing Drills

Throwing drills are like a game of catch on steroids. Players learn to perfect their technique, hone in on accuracy and build strength for those all-important throws. They can also learn where to throw, how to throw and when to throw – all essential skills for the game.

First, having players practice throwing with a partner is a great way to start. To begin with, they should stand close together and practice throwing the ball back and forth without taking steps. As they become more comfortable, have them move further apart until they reach their desired distance. This will help them develop their throwing power as well as accuracy.

During the drill, have players focus on following through properly so that the ball reaches its intended target. Encourage them to use their hips and shoulders while keeping their arms straight throughout the motion. By practicing these fundamentals over time, they’ll be able to make powerful throws with greater accuracy – an invaluable asset at any level of baseball or softball.

With some solid practice under their belt, youth players will soon feel confident in making those long tosses across the diamond (or field). Moving onto pop-up drills is an exciting next step in helping them take control of every play.

Pop-up drills are an important part of catching and fielding for youth players. According to research, 65% of all errors in Little League Baseball are the result of dropped fly balls. This means that it’s critical for young athletes to develop skills in this area.

Pop-up drills involve having a coach or teammate throw the ball high into the air, and then having the player practice catching it on their own. It’s important that they use two hands whenever possible and pay attention to where the ball will land. They also need to make sure they watch the ball all the way into their glove.

A variation on this drill is when two players stand at opposite ends, with one throwing a pop fly up into the air and one player practicing catching it from a distance. This can help build strength and accuracy in their throws and gives them more time to practice tracking a ball as it comes down from above. With regular practice, both of these drills can help youth players become more confident when catching fly balls out in the field. Transitioning smoothly into receiving drills is an important step for any young athlete looking to improve their game.

Receiving Drills

Receiving drills are like a catcher’s call to arms. Like the knights of old, they stand in the batter’s box and protect the plate from any balls that come their way. They are ready to pounce on wild pitches and block them from going past home plate.

Receiving drills for youth players should focus on catching hard-thrown balls and blocking wild pitches. It’s important for young catchers to learn proper techniques early on so that they can develop strong skills as they get older. The ability to catch a ball in the air, block a pitch in the dirt, or even make a quick throw to second base is essential for successful play in the catcher position.

In addition, coaches should also emphasize accuracy when throwing back to the pitcher or throwing down to second base as part of their receiving drills. Youth players need to learn how to find their target quickly and accurately before making any throws. This will help them develop good habits and skills that they can carry with them into high school and beyond.

These receiving drills will help youth players become better catchers while also teaching them important principles which they can carry into other aspects of life: patience, accuracy, quickness, and agility. With these lessons under their belt, it’s time for youth players to move on to mastering blocking wild pitches – another crucial part of being a successful catcher!

Blocking Wild Pitches

Blocking wild pitches is an important skill for any catcher to have, no matter the level. It’s especially important for youth players, as they are more prone to missing a pitch and having it roll all the way back to the screen. To prevent this from happening, it’s important that young players learn how to block wild pitches.

The most important thing for catchers to remember when blocking wild pitches is to stay in front of the ball at all times. They should keep their elbows close to their sides and hold their mitt up in front of them. Players should also make sure that their feet are wide enough apart so they can move quickly side-to-side if needed, as well as keep their head up so they can track where the ball is going.

Once players have developed these basics, coaches can then help them practice by throwing high and outside pitches during drills. This will help them become comfortable with getting down on the ground and being able to get back into position quickly after each pitch. With practice, youth players will develop confidence in their ability to block wild pitches successfully. Now that we’ve discussed blocking wild pitches, let’s move on and look at how we can best hold runners on base.

Holding Runners On Base

Ah, the fun of youth baseball. It’s all about teaching young players the fundamentals and having a good time – right? Well, not always. As any veteran coach knows, there is an important element that must be developed in order to guarantee success: holding runners on base.

Believe it or not, this skill has nothing to do with how fast a player can run or how accurately they can throw a ball. Instead, it’s all about communication. Establishing clear communication between teammates on the field is essential to being able to hold runners on base effectively.

The key to successful communication in this scenario is for players to understand the game situation; if they know what’s expected of them, then they can make sure their actions are appropriate for that situation. This doesn’t mean just yelling out loud when someone is trying to steal; it means actively watching the runner and anticipating potential plays before they happen so that everyone is prepared for whatever may come their way.

Communication isn’t just about talking – it’s about taking action too! With proper instruction and practice drills, youth players can learn how to use body language and other visual cues to help teammates anticipate what’s coming next and stay one step ahead of the competition. And with that knowledge in hand, they’ll be ready to take on any challenge that comes their way!

Establishing Communication

Communication is key when it comes to youth players and their catching drills. As the old adage goes, two minds are better than one! In this case, a catcher and a pitcher need to be in sync in order to get the job done and execute these drills with success.

First and foremost, a catcher should know what type of pitch is coming from their pitcher. This can be done through hand signals or verbal cues that the two have established beforehand. A catcher should also pay close attention to how their pitcher throws the ball – if they have any unique quirks or methods that can help them anticipate pitches. Establishing communication between both players will help them work together as a team, rather than feeling like they’re working against each other.

Finally, catchers should also practice being vocal with their pitchers. It’s important that they give helpful feedback on what they’re seeing during drills or games. Positive reinforcement will go a long way here; letting pitchers know what they did well and highlighting areas for improvement will not only help them improve but also build trust between both parties. With an effective communication system in place, youth players can hone their skills and become more confident in executing catching drills moving forward. Transitioning into different scenarios is just another part of the journey!

Catching In Different Situations

As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. The same applies to young players when it comes to catching drills. Catching in different situations is one of the most important aspects of a young player’s training. To make sure they get the most out of their drills, here are 3 tips:

  1. Focus on proper positioning: In order to catch correctly, it’s essential for young players to know how to maintain their body position and keep good balance while executing catches.

  2. Work on tracking balls: It’s important for youth players to learn how to track and catch balls coming from multiple angles. They should practice tracking and catching with both eyes open and closing one eye at a time.

  3. Practice catching in different scenarios: Young players should practice catching balls thrown from various distances and heights as well as with varying speeds. This will help them become more comfortable in different game situations.

By improving upon these three areas, youth players can better prepare themselves for any situation that may arise during a game. With some dedication and hard work, young players can build confidence and become more reliable when it comes to making catches during games. Now that we have discussed ways for youth players to improve their catching skills, let’s move on to conditioning drills that will help them take their game up even further.

Conditioning Drills

In order to prepare youth players for the fast-paced nature of competition, conditioning drills are a must. These drills can help players build strength and agility, ensuring they’re ready for whatever comes their way. There are a few drills that coaches can use to help young athletes improve their catching skills.

One drill is called the “360 Drill” and involves having the catcher move in circles while simulating a catch—all while staying low and balanced. This drill helps players practice staying low and focused on the ball at all times. It’s also great for helping players become more comfortable with turning quickly while keeping their eyes on the ball.

Another drill is called the “Cone Drill” and involves setting up several cones around an area in which a player must run in order to simulate catching multiple balls at different angles and distances. This drill helps players practice moving quickly, as well as adjusting to multiple angles when trying to make a catch. It also allows coaches to adjust how fast or slow they want the player to move, making it ideal for any skill level.

Conditioning drills are an important part of any catcher’s development, helping them stay strong, agile and focused on the task at hand. With a few simple drills like these, coaches can ensure that their youth players have the skills necessary to succeed out on the field.

Progressing Youth Players

As the sun sets over the soccer field, the youth players gather in a circle around their coach. All of them eager to learn and progress their skills, they stand with anticipation and excitement for what is to come next.

The coach rubs his hands together, signaling that it’s time to move onto the next drill. He knows that if he can help these kids take their game to the next level, they’ll be unstoppable on the pitch. He begins by introducing new concepts and challenging them to work on their decision-making and technique in small groups.

The young athletes get right to work, pushing one another as they try out different drills and practice scenarios. As each kid starts to understand more of what’s being taught, they gain confidence in themselves and strive for better results. It’s amazing how quickly they’re able to pick up on new skills while having fun at the same time! With a few tips from their coach, these youth players are well on their way towards becoming tomorrow’s stars.

Teaching The Basics

When it comes to teaching youth players, the basics are key. These include proper techniques for throwing, catching, and hitting as well as the rules of the game. Teaching these fundamentals is essential for young players to progress in baseball or softball.

Here’s a 4-point list of some basics to focus on when introducing youth players to the game:

  1. Grip: How to correctly hold a baseball or softball for throwing and fielding.
  2. Footwork: Proper placement and positioning of feet for throwing and fielding drills.
  3. Stance: How a batter should stand in order to hit the ball safely and accurately.
  4. Teamwork: The importance of working together with teammates on the field and in the dugout.

Once youth players understand these basics, they can begin developing good habits that will help them succeed as they grow more experienced in the sport.

Developing Good Habits

Let’s take a step further in the journey of mastering the game. Developing good habits is an integral part of any athlete’s growth and success. It’s time to make sure these young players are well-equipped with all the necessary tools needed to succeed on and off the field.

It’s easy for youngsters to get caught up in the moment and forget about important details such as proper technique, strategic positioning, and overall attitude towards their opponent. With the right drills, coaches can help instill discipline and nurture strong character traits that will help them become better players.

Therefore, coaches should focus on drills that emphasize proper form, increase situational awareness, and promote respect for their opponent. By doing so, youth players will learn valuable lessons that will stay with them throughout their sporting career and beyond.


Catching drills are essential for youth players who want to take their game to the next level. With the proper instruction, young athletes can develop and improve their catching technique, while also becoming more consistent and confident in their abilities. By teaching the basics, progressing with age-appropriate drills, and developing good habits early on, coaches can help these players reach their full potential.

One interesting statistic that demonstrates the importance of catching drills is that catchers who practice receiving skills make fewer errors than catchers who do not practice. Receiving drills enhance a catcher’s ability to control the ball, which ultimately leads to better overall performance at the plate and behind it.

In summary, catching drills are an important part of any youth player’s development. They help build confidence, teach basic fundamentals and techniques, and keep players safe from injury. With consistent practice and instruction from knowledgeable coaches, young players can become better catchers every day.